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NewOrigin encourages a culture of transparency, accountability, technical excellence and environmental best practice. Corporate leadership and good governance are important to the Company as are sound safety practices.



Committed to act ethically, lawfully and with integrity in all dealings: The Company has established a number of governance policies which provide guidelines to the overall responsibilities and actions of directors and employees. These policies are clear in their intent and are reviewed on a yearly basis to ensure that they meet the ongoing needs of the Company. These policies are:

  • Code of Conduct for Directors and Company Officers

  • Code of Conduct for Exploration Activities and Environmental Policy

  • Continuous Disclosure Policy

  • Employees Whistle-blowing Protection

  • Policy on Confidentiality and Securities Trading

  • Policy Regarding Consultation with Stakeholders and First Nations at Project Sites



Committed to responsible stewardship of our natural resources and the ecological environment:

NewOrigin conducts its work in an environmentally and socially responsible manner and is proactive in remediation of project areas and recognizes the importance of this approach to the long-term viability of the global mining industry. NewOrigin requires that its staff abide by the applicable laws and regulations within each region which we operate. In addition to adherence to legislation, NewOrigin’s work is conducted to the highest standard of "best industry practice". NewOrigin believes that the environmental impacts of early-stage mineral exploration are minimal, manageable and can be rehabilitated. A fundamental respect for the environment (the flora, fauna, landscape) where we work and appropriate planning are essential to the Company's approach to conducting its programs. With early application of these principles, sustainable development follows from successful exploration.



Committed to developing long-lasting, beneficial relationships with all stakeholders. NewOrigin is committed to the preservation of the environment in which it works and respecting the needs and land uses of members of nearby communities and other stakeholders in the vicinity of its projects. Community consultation is an ongoing process, and as such NewOrigin maintains open communication with the First Nations communities in the vicinity of its projects. The Company will maintain a consistent, transparent and rigorous system for identifying and reaching out to all stakeholders.

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