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Gold Zones Delineated At Tri Origin's Sky Lake Property, Ontario


September 14, 2017

Aurora, Ontario- Tri Origin Exploration Ltd. (TOE: TSX-V) (“Tri Origin” or “The Company”) has completed preliminary modelling and analysis of historic diamond drill holes at gold zones discovered during the 1950’s within patented mining claims optioned from Barrick Gold during the latter part of 2016. The patents comprise part of the Company’s Sky Lake project located 30 kilometres southwest of the Pickle Lake Gold District.

Four sub-parallel zones spaced between 25 and 50 metres apart have been identified and traced for a distance of 1.5 kilometres along strike. These are; the Red, Orange, Purple and Yellow Zones. The northern most Red Zone contains average composited assay results from historic drilling of 3.27 grams of gold per tonne (“g/t”) across 6.6 metres true thickness, the Orange Zone 2.40 g/t across 3.6 metres, the Purple Zone 3.76 g/t across 6.0 metres and the Yellow Zone 2.70 g/t across 3.6 metres. In general, the zones have only been drilled to between 50 and 100 metres in depth although in places they have been intersected at 200 metres below surface and all are open. The intervals between these zones contain only low-grade gold and a number of holes apparently intersected the zones however no assay results are available. Management’s interpretation of these results suggests that the zones may merge at depth or along strike to the east to form a more continuous, steeply-dipping gold-rich deposit.

Field crews have recently completed a program of geological mapping, sampling and line cutting to investigate the nature and extent of the gold-bearing rocks. Overgrown surface trenches excavated during the 1950’s were located during the program at the up-dip projection of gold zones. Confirmatory sampling was conducted at two trenches where rock was exposed and assay results are pending.


Historic drilling data on the patent claims was examined and evaluated by Burt Consulting Services during the period January to August, 2017. The objective was to audit and correctly locate the drill hole information and complete 3D modelling to provide plans, sections and a preliminary mineralization model to target future drill programs planned by Tri Origin.

Modelling of these zones was completed using a database of 133 drill holes totalling 13,954 metres of drilling. Of these,114 holes were in the vicinity of the mineralized zones, 105 of which had extensive, recoverable assay records. No assay data is available for the remaining holes although it is assumed that in most cases they penetrated one or more of the zones. Drilling was conducted during several campaigns; Hasaga Gold Mines Ltd and Pickle Crow Gold Mines Ltd 1953 and 1954 (88 holes, 6397 metres), Long Lac Mineral Exploration Ltd, 1975 (13 holes, 1537 metres), LAC Minerals Ltd, 1987 (24 holes, 5225 metres) and, Moss Resources Ltd, 1996 (8 holes, 790 metres).

Drill collar locations were converted to UTM coordinates using a combination of drill log coordinates, original plan maps and satellite imagery. Final locations for the drill collars are estimated to be within 3 metres of the actual.  Assay data was input from original drill logs where available and from annotated sections prepared by LAC Minerals during the 1980’s.  Where required, assays were converted into grams per tonne using US$35 per ounce. Hole lengths and downhole surveys were obtained from drill logs where available or measured from drill sections and plan maps.

In the 3D environment, four main zones were modelled and several other subsidiary zones were recognized. In general, each zone has a strike of 160° and dip of 83° south. In places, the zones appear to exhibit pinch-and-swell structures both horizontally and down dip but this may be a function of drill hole density and drilling pattern. Where a drill hole with low or no assays intersected the model, the logs (if available) were examined in detail to identify alteration and/or sulphide mineralization that supported the modelled zone.

True thickness was estimated using the average strike and dip of the modelled zones. Average grades were determined using two methods. Firstly, downhole composited assay intervals were used from drill holes where detailed information was available. Secondly, all holes which intersected the plane of mineralization along the length of each modelled zone were used including those with partial or no assay data.


                                                 1) All assays are from assessment reports and have not been confirmed by Tri Origin.

Tri Origin’s Sky Lake gold project is located 30 kilometres southwest of Pickle Lake, Ontario and consists of 19 100%-owned, staked mining claims as well as the optioned patented claims all of which total an area of 44 square kilometres. The property covers a well-mineralized belt of volcanic and sedimentary rock that lies midway between the past-producing gold deposits of the 2 million ounce Pickle Lake Gold District to the northeast and the Golden Patricia gold mine to the west. The geological environment being investigated by the Company is interpreted by management to strongly resemble that of the important Bousquet-LaRonde Gold District in Quebec where over 25 million ounces of gold have been identified and recovered by mining companies including Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd, IAMGOLD Corporation, Barrick Gold Corporation and LAC Minerals Ltd.

Tri Origin has assembled a district-scale property cored by important gold zones which have been dormant for many decades. An exploration program focused on the systematic evaluation of these gold zones and other nearby drill targets identified by Tri Origin is being prepared. Shareholders will be informed of the next phase of work at the Sky Lake gold project prior to commencement.

For more information about Tri Origin, please visit or SEDAR at, or contact:

Dr. Robert Valliant, President
Tri Origin Exploration Ltd.
Tel: (905) 727-1779

Tri Origin Exploration Ltd. is publicly listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the trading symbol TOE. Tri Origin is a leading Canadian exploration company with gold and base metal projects in Canada. 

Technical work referred to in this news release was compiled and reported on by Phil Burt, MET, BSc, P.Geo of Burt Consulting Services, Oakville, Ontario.

CAUTIONARY STATEMENT: Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Assay results and other drill hole data were obtained from the mineral assessment files of the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (“MNDM”) and have not yet been confirmed by Tri Origin drilling. No available core or detailed descriptions of assay or sampling procedures are available and consequently, the assays cannot be considered to be NI43-101 compliant. In addition, reports sourced from MNDM files quote a small resource of gold however these resource estimates are not 43-101 compliant and are not represented to be accurate by Tri Origin without confirmatory work being completed.

This press release may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to vary materially from targeted results. Such risks and uncertainties include those described in Tri Origin's periodic reports including the annual report or in the filings made by Tri Origin from time to time with securities regulatory authorities.

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